Apart from a single player that failed to make much use of the properties various strengths, the only thing that let Battlefield: Bad Company 2's otherwise excellent package down was the community. On release it was a struggle to find a squad that wasn't entirely concerned with pitching up tent on a hillside armed with a camouflaged Ghillie suit and scoped rifle. To get the most out of Bad Company 2, you needed objective minded team mates, willing to fill action dictated roles. Should you stumble onto just that, Bad Company 2 distinguished itself admirably. Unlike Halo's shield heavy war of attrition or Call of Duty's micro-calculation bum rushing, Bad Company 2 cast you as a fragile component in a vast theatre of war. Players were tasked with finding their place in an ever-changing conflict. Is your team low on re-enforcements? Switch up and become a hyper-mobile medic and zap them back to life. Allies fond of junking valuable equipment? Ride shotgun as an engineer and fix their mistakes. Find you niche in a cohesive whole, and any minor success could mangle the ambitions of team boring sniper.
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