Quite apart from Robert E Howard's pulp adventures, there's mileage in this version of Solomon Kane. He's an uncaring, incompetent leader that rushes brashly into battle; a whirlwind of blades and hate that eviscerates everything in his path. He's also a mopey depressive with a martyr complex. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much interest in exploring any of that. Instead this adaptation is an endless, anecdotal trudge through rain-lashed England, briefly enlivened by the threat of an entertaining swordfight. Threat mind you. Actual combat in Kane breaks down to the airless slow motion sweeps and quick cut hiding typical of incompetent action films. Michale J Bassett's Solomon Kane is free of interest snagging incident, a big screen blow-up that takes with awkward continuity burps but doesn't repay with any nasty.
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