Reasons to be cheerful: Hideki Kamiya's Bayonetta is angling for a worldwide Fall 2009 release. Kamiya previously piloted Disaster Favourites Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe and Resident Evil 2. He's a pretty big wheel at our cracker factory. Bayonetta promises a porno chic secretary, with guns for feet and shape-shift slime for clothes, engaged in a cataclysm fight with Heaven mob. Seriously. War with The Above is a bit of a recurring theme in Kamiya's work, Resident Evil 2 worked an urban judgment day angle; and Devil May Cry closed with a space-battle between snarky devil-hero Dante and a marbled Jeudo-Christian God the Father.
Anyway, here's a rather old Bayonetta trailer:
Kamiya's a dab hand at delivering initially impenetrable fight mechanics that reward system learning, rather than rote taps. Both Devil May Cry and Viewtiful Joe showcased mighty steep learning curves, players were punished if they weren't taking full advantage of the available skill set. Fingers crossed for more of the same.
New trailer.
Hideki Kamiya blog post over at the Platinum Games website.
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