Just wolfed down my very first McDonald's McGangBang sandwich. What's one of them? It's an industrious little treat, dreamt up by penny pinch patrons of a Daytona Beach outlet of that fine sweety shitty meat restaurant. Sir requests that McStaff split a Double Cheeseburger at the first patty, placing a McChicken sandwich in the middle, before bringing it all back together as bun-heavy supersnack. Sir wouldn't mind some fries too, yes.
Apparently the McGangBang can actually be ordered, by name, in a select few chains in the US. How's that for customer service? I should imagine if you order this side of the pond, you'll an unhelpful slack-jawed stare. I shouldn't think explanations would help much either. Since I'm ever-so-politely English, not to mention lazily sending someone else out for this item, I ordered the parts in the singular for later self-assembly. A colleague dubbed this an 'Ikea'. I'm stealing that for Urban Dictionary. I've told him. He doesn't mind.
Although not much of a culinary revelation, the McGangBang did remind me of childhood encounters with Big Macs: struggling to angle the thing into a biteable position, unable to make a total chomp that includes every layer of taste, and desperately munching sliding meat-plates to divert a total collapse. The top bun was a stress fracture mess. It was an adventure. So if you want to feel like a tiny, straining child again, you know what to order.
That sounds positively vile!
hahaha.. awesome.
tell you what tho.. I had my first maccies the other day in like a few years.. and it was proper nasty!
was like eating cardboard :(
McGangBang has to be tried tho!
I enjoyed it Nada! Later that day I was craving another. Although that was probably because my meat-sugar level had dropped through the floor.
What did you have Mal? Maccies is pretty terrible, but I do crave it in work when I'm all tired and starving. Can usually persuade someone to go get one too!
Work is a strange place where I only ever crave sugary things.
Trust me I understand cravings for maccies. I spent an entire night dreaming about eating maccies while doing my essay last week. I swear by the time I went to bed at 5AM all I could think about was what I should order at lunch haha. I was almost drooling at the thought of biting into a quarter pounder.
So yea I got a big mac and chicken nuggets. For nostalgia sake. I was bitterly disappointed hah. Cardboard taste ftl.
I'm partial to double cheeseburgers, or bacon cheeseburgers, it's squashed patty nicey. Usually dribbling with cheese grease too. I say cheese, you could more accurately call it processed yellow. I bet Mc is doing a roaring trade in these troubled times.
I had one today. It's going to be my greasepie of choice whenever my stomach steers me through the door of Ronaldo's.
Thanks for sharing.
No problemo. Share the wealth I say.
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