My all-time favourite teaser trailer.
Shot by the late great Stan Winston in 1990, with Ahnoldt on loan for the day from Kindergarten Cop.
I first saw this on holiday in Florida in about 1997. We'd been to the local mall, and I'd blown a big chunk of pocket money savings on a two VHS set of the extended version of Terminator 2. Prior to entering the shop, I didn't even know an article of such wonder existed. An even longer version of T2! You can imagine my joy-buzz overload meltdown. My Dad wasn't sure our PAL VCR back home would play it. I was fairly sure, having scoured the manual a few times trying to work out how to copy rental tapes, and didn't care either way. I had to have it! The above fragment of one minute magic was on the second cassette, along with two deleted scenes and a handful of documentaries. Back in those pre-DVD (Laserdisc never took off in the UK) days, this was manna from heaven for a film freak like me.
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