Christian Bale! He had a tantrum. Did you hear it? 'Course you did. On the million-to-one chance you didn't, here it is.
Fuck this. Fuck that. Transatlantic wobbly this. Indistinct accent that. Put yourself in his shoes! You're standing there, ACTING, trying to nail a scene in did-anyone-want-it sequel Terminator: Salvation (3 stunk up the Terminator number game, so down with T4, up with colon noun), and some CLOWN is fiddling with lights in the background. Zoot alores! Who taught Hollywood to this light nudging idiot?
Nevermind basic human decency, Bale's shitfit is hilarious! The invincible star really stuck it to those work-a-day Joes! I especially liked the bits where Bales implied the guy's career is to be ruined, and sundry producer's cowering apologies to try and placate the unsackable talent. "I didn't see anything Christian, although I'm sure you're correct."
Ha ha!
He shoulda kept it sweary, then we could all laugh it off as another wonderful blue-air La La Land snap-shot. Still though, stay the fuck outta Bale's eyeline! He's filling Edward Furlong's shoes for Christ's sake.
For those that way inclined, there's even a dance remix.
I enjoyed Harry Knowles' take over at Ain't It Cool News; although he raises some fair in-club points, it can't help but seem the toady back-rub of a arch sycophant eager for future exclusives. Stress on 'seem'. Remember when that site leaked things? Just another octopus arm now.
Anyway, brush all that aside, we're forgetting the real villain in Hollywood Land: I Heart Huckabees director David O Russell!

Bale's got a long way to go if he wants to compete with this former indy darling in the unchallengeable dick stakes. Bale shouted and snarled at a grown man, O Russell's got that beat cold. He kicks set-dressings at winter-years women! Invisible stage-hands get wads of paper launched at their cowering frames!
He NURSED that screenplay for three years! HAVE SOME RESPECT RANK AMATEUR LILY TOMLIN!
I love that the cameraman reframes at 2:04. For prosperity!
Real update tomorrow. I promise.
I heart Lily Tomlin, calm in the face of scissor kicks and ironic "act like a grown-up" insults. But essentially an old lady getting verbally abused and physically threatened by some bloke who claims she was asking for it, while everyone else pretends they're invisible/ushers minions away from the talent. Nice.
That's showbiz!
Pah, Klaus Kinski would have sent them both crying back to mummy
I used to have his autobiography until someone 'lent' it.
He had such a way with words:
"I have to shoot without any breaks. I yell at Herzog and hit him. I have to fight for every sequence. I wish Herzog would catch the plague, more than ever."
That clip is special.
I mean she's totally right, take your feet off the desk AND say the line? Dudes out of his frickin mind.
Oi! It's still officially "lent" Shining boy, just taking a while to read heh.
Heh. I'm suprised Siddell still speaks to me.
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