
Sunday, 28 December 2008

Sketch Sunday: Kalibak the Cruel

Kalibak is Darkseid's first son. Unfortunately, despite his obvious excellence, Kalibak is usually mired in a endless round of complete incompetence portrayals. Poor Kalibak; dimwitted and brutal. Always an obstacle, never a summit. It's all very sad. I have hope of him gaining some currency in any plain of the DC multiverse. Perhaps replacing his overexposed father as a frequent super-menace for goody two-shoes team-ups - Darkseid should be an omega threat, not some nattering jobsworth. Ho-hum. Created by King Comic Jack Kirby, Kalibak was first glimpsed in New Gods #1, the compliant shade to Orion's rebellious astro-zip. Kalibak currently enjoys full Kamandi tiger-drag in Grant Morrison's Fourth World mash-up Final Crisis.

Here he is in his original body duds, getting his solemn on.

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