
Sunday 28 December 2008

Disaster Year: 2008 Awards

As 2008 winds down to nothing, it is usual to take stock of the past year. Celebrate its highs, snort wearily at the lows. In blog land, it's an easy way to plump out your end of year posting too; who can be bothered to write lengthy discourses at the tail end of the year? Certainly not I! I'm plump and fed! There's dominoes on the telly! That needs watching.

Continuing this fine tradition of easy splurge content, I present, dear reader, the Disaster Year 2008 Awards. I've decided against any Top 5s or 10s. They make me do a shudder. I haven't experienced enough of anything this year to go around making such bold declarations. Plus, you know, it can get pretty boring totalling up the same old things everybody else loved. So, no to all of that. Instead, I will be awarding specific accolades to individual pieces. It's more fun that way. No really, it is. I even dreamt up what the award would look like. Gaze on this blurry, indistinct jpeg:

Can you make out the oil freighter lanced through the skyscraper?

Imagine that in cheap pewter. There you have it.


  1. as long as you're mining fist of the north star for statuette design, might i suggest a lifetime achievement award statuette in the shape of an exploding head?
