
Saturday 4 May 2013

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

Aside from looking like the wank fantasies of someone who's spent the evening burning Action Force figures whilst reading Alex Ross Terminator comics, the most enjoyable thing about Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is how few limits are placed on your basic movement. Your character, Rex Power Colt, runs with the kind of clip that gobbles up even the most long-winded objective trek. Hill summits are briskly mounted and there is no fall in the game that will damage you - vanilla Far Cry 3's irritating insistence on catastrophically tumbling over any descent higher than an anthill is, thankfully, absent.

These adjustments electrify Far Cry 3's already enjoyable prowling. Stuck at the top of a dam with your targets milling around tens of metres below? Simply hurl yourself at them like a human cannonball. Kill-chain assassination abilities are available at default, and Rex's basic jump is high enough to trigger Jason Brody's Death from Above ambush attack. Rex Colt starts out overpowered and ends up as a kind of death-ray sky God. Balance be damned, the emphasis here is firmly on fun. Blood Dragon's design philosophy is a kind of postmodernism - the keys-to-the-kingdom action finale to a thirty hour game you'll never have to slog through. A short, e-number answer to a generation of games woozy from feature glut.

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