
Sunday, 21 April 2013


Looks like Shinji Mikami and Tango Gameworks have been hard at work cooking up a spiritual successor to the director's Resident Evil instalments. Watching the later episodes of the YoVideogames Resident Evil retrospective recently had me thinking - why aren't Capcom's horror games trying to be scary anymore? Mikami's GameCube reworking of Resident Evil works hard to create a certain level of tension. Ammo is scarce, enemies take a beating, and everywhere you go is damp and depressing.

Capcom's idea of what survival horror should be has moved so far away from what Mikami and Production Studio 4 were doing in 2002 that the eleven year old game looked fresh and new again. The Evil Within debuts with a a video clip that looks like a grimecore update of the live action FMV that played on boot for the original PlayStation Resident Evil. As a proof of concept this at least looks like survival horror rather than a hamfisted suits attempt to get Gears of War kids to pony up for Japanese games.

via IGN's YouTube feed.

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