
Saturday 26 January 2013

Black Ops II: Terrible Effort

The latest patch for Call of Duty: Black Ops II is live, just in time for a double xp weekend. Normally I would be trying to level up and get a Prestige or two under my belt, but frankly, this game really doesn't justify that level of commitment.

Gaming time for me recently has revolved around the Devil May Cry HD Collection. After hacking my way through the higher difficulty levels of Devil May Cry 3 I've gotten it into my head that high-speed twitch-skill based games, at the very least, must present situations as plainly and accurately as possible. Although historically the Call of Duty series has excelled with rock solid frame rates and actionable on-screen information, sadly this is no longer the case.

Here's OvenBakedMuffin and his best sex pest voice to explain. Unfortunately it seems the issues facing Black Ops II go far deeper than just spotty network latency. Turns out there is a quantifiable reason why that guy running at a 45 degree angle to you with his gun down is able to kill you before you can even level yours.

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