
Monday 31 December 2012

Music 2012

5. Killer Mike - Reagan

Reagan gave me twin flashbacks, evoking Ice Cube spitting hard on AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted paired with the Company Flow seizure sound from Soundbombing II.

4. Grimes - Oblivion

Oblivion was a sweet little girl singing foreboding things over Escape from New York beats, with a breakdown finale that sounds like the animated prog bit from Monty Python's Meaning of Life versus the synth incidentals from Rules of Attraction.

3. Justice - New Lands

New Lands had a Rollerball meets Space Adventure Cobra vid - 70s sport sound for the first half; 80s fuck-everybody-get-shit-done calisthenics music for the second. Mix in a world class Clint Eastwood lookalike and the best torrential rain bone crunching since Billy Cole said fuck it.

2. Das Racist - Girl

Girl had the best shrieking plastic jabs since Kanye stabbed a keyboard to death on Saturday Night Live.

1. The Shoes - Time to Dance

Time to Dance took up residence in my head. I'd wake up to it. Disco alienation music with a marching band chorus line chanting spelling bee answers. Special mention to the Jake Gyllenhaal promo, unfortunately this is as close as the guy is getting to a Kim Ji-woon K-horror or a Canadian remake of Vengeance Is Mine.

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