
Monday 10 December 2012


As a child I had a thirty minute VHS tape used for taping all the cartoons I missed while I was wasting my time in school. Seen as how the only thing I was interested in was warring robots, this tape tended to have nothing but fragments of Transformers episodes on it. Presumably when Transformers was shown as part of TV-am's Wide Awake Club it was split into at least two parts to ration out over the course of the program. You don't want the kids switching off after they've had a complete violence fix do you? Much better to keep them glued to the programme, suffering through adverts and waiting for a conclusion. This would explain why my tape never had a complete episode of Transformers on it. It was always set-ups, never conclusions. Thanks to YouTube and, in particular, uploader AeonMagnus, I can now share almost the exact contents of that tape with the wider world. So here you go, two wildly incomplete middle-acts from a 1980s animated toy brochure.

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