
Saturday 6 August 2011

"It's a twenty block walk to the enemy camp."

This animated adaptation of Batman: Year One has caught a whiff of Internet flack for casting The OC's Ryan Atwood as the perpetually brooding Bruce Wayne. Big deal. I'm a little more worried about the tin-eared gobbledygook that passes for Frank Miller rhetoric speak. Do you think 'healing' or 'closure' are even in the vocabulary of Miller's Batman? Do you imagine that those concepts even exist in his mind? I do not. I would also posit that crafting a screen version of this four ish wonder is redundant; the tale was strip-mined to backbone Batman Begins (Miller got a cheque apparently), and a great deal of the first case colour made its way into Batman: Mask of the Phantasm. Good thing our girl Lauren Montogomery's on the case, so at the very least, this'll be zippy.

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