
Friday, 12 March 2010

Hey kids! Ruin your toys! Then buy them again!

The naked capitalism on display here is simply astounding! Kids are poked to want a bare plastic frame, supporting what looks like a Tyrannosaur skull, that vomits a slick oozing gunk all over their Masters of the Universe figures. Evil Horde Slime Pit! If you know any ex-spoilt kids in the late twenties / early thirties age range, ask them about this. They'll tell you horror stories about toys that end up with bleached, discoloured detailing, and mechanisms locked with hardened, scabby slime. Evil Mattel even managed to insert this undesirable end-state into series fiction: Slime Pit was packaged with a mini-comic that stated than victims of the slime pit become mindless zombies, loyal to Horde leader Hordak. Legend also tells of an on-box message pleading with children not to gunk toxic-felt atrocity Moss Man. Stop giving them ideas! Who knows what kind of sludge stink that combination would have produced. Kinda makes you want to scour eBay for ingredients though doesn't it?

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