
Thursday, 26 March 2009

Cat Shit One!

Freshly minted trailer tease for a potential Japanese CG TV series entitled Cat Shit One. Let's hope it gets picked up! Loosely based on a late 90s Motofumi Kobayashi manga series, that later shored up in the West as Apocalypse Meow, Cat Shit One tells a Maus alike tale of bunny rabbit GIs entrenched in a hideous theatre of war. Despite the apparent flippancy of casting rabbits in a brutal war yarn, Cat Shit One: Manga is a thoroughly researched ground's-eye-view of 'Nam tours - expect to see panel borders heaving under military slang explanations.

Cat Shit One: TV though has shifted series focus away from the Vietnam war and onto our very own modern take: The War on Terror (should that have a trademark do you think?). Charlie Cat replaced with Abdul Camel.

Choke! At the soft toy atrocity! Thrill! As cute bunny rabbits eviscerate other fluffy animals with startling efficiency! Wonder! Are the opening seconds meant to parody the Metal Gear Solid 4 trade trailers?

Source. More sauce.

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