
Thursday, 5 February 2009

Judge, Jury & Executioner!

No! Not late 70s Joe Dredd, it's yet another Watchmen viral!

Seems a shame to not have a full Columbia serial series out of those fantastic Minutemen suits. Who doesn't want to see bite-size chunks of Hooded Justice agitatedly clobbering some no-good purse snatcher to death? Hopefully we'll get a full trailer for the Tales of the Black Freighter animated movie soon too.


  1. There go my dreams of being a masked adventurer. Okay, I'll give up the mask and the experimental weapons, BUT THE CAPE?! Come on, now!

  2. Heh. It's take, take, take with this Keene one isn't it? Never said nuthin' about not mutating into a giant gamma monster though did he? Dot the Is, cross the Ts Mr Keene.

  3. Always looking for the loopholes. Clever, very clever. But not clever enough. For you to initially mutate into said gamma monster, you need to be accidentally struck with the rays from my EXPERIMENTAL gamma WEAPON. Unlucky. More thought needed.

  4. Touché! I shall just have to hope that at some point I will chance upon a transcendal God artifact in a cave. Spelunk!
