
Wednesday 5 November 2008

Planet MSX! Or: How Little Big Planet Ruled Ass.

Little Big Planet is a charm factory PS3 platformer with level editing tools that make Sonic's up C, down C cheat look like dreary day somewhere rainy. Your designs are limited only by the width and breadth of your imagination gland. It's bringing democracy to video game creation!

Gradius (or Nemesis for us Europeans) is a splendid Konami horizontal shooter of '85 vintage. Gradius made the weapon selection mechanic stick, and was deemed eminently portable by all and sundry. Recent converts include Sony's handheld, the PSP. What might happen if the two got a little more than tipsy flirty and started rolling about the floor in a passionate embrace?


All hail Japanese PSN chap RRR30000! It's enough that LBP is a comprehensive jump 'em up laboratory, that the mechanic can be applied to other 2D genres boggles the mind. March forth tinkerers the world over. This versatility bending level is christened Libidius.jp.

Excitement stolen, and reworded from here.

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