
Friday 12 September 2008

Korgoth of Barbaria

For your consideration: I submit to you a lonely forgotten pilot that didn't quite attracted a series; Aaron Springer's Korgoth of Barbaria. Springer - a veteran of modern animation luminaries Spongebob Squarepants, and Dexter's Laboratory - brings all his face tic skill-set to the table, served up with a meaty eye for supremely inventive gore vignettes. Hosanna! This pilot tease was co-directed with Genndy Tartakovsky; the duo perhaps hoping to do for Robert E Howard sorcery noodling what they breezed with chanbara blow-out masterpiece Samurai Jack. Clearly a labour of love for all involved, Korgoth drips time-sink think quality.

Korgoth neatly straddles both ugly brute men genre mainstays: pre-civilisation barbarity and post-apocalyptia law breakdown barbarity. This here motion yarner contains a whole lot of barbarity. Rend and tear baby, rend and tear.

Expect Frank Frazetta muscle mountains caricatured and distorted in breeze block knuckle dragging Thruds, lusty chuckles, peering eyes and busty maidens.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Unfortunately, Adult Swim decided not to bother picking this slice of nice up, instead heaping tens of dollars onto interminable flash shows. What a gang of fucking dicks.

If you're a sucker for lost causes, why not sign this petition and register your distaste?

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