
Thursday, 4 September 2008

Hobo With A Shotgun

An oldy this, but it's always worth clicking on through to the original youtube link and leaving a big fat full-marks 5 star rating in the vain hope a feature proper turns up one day. Do it! For the uninitiated, Hobo With A Shotgun is the winning entry of Robert Rodriguez's South by Southwest Grindhouse Trailer Contest. Creators Jason Eisener, Rob Cotterill and John Davies' outstanding achievements in the field of excellence were rewarded with an attach to Canadian prints of the Rodriguez / Tarantino double-header Grindhouse. Hobo served as yet another please-make-it fake trail, and arguably stole the whole fucking show. Hobo has the air of a low-rent urban threat take on They Live, crossed with Death Wish aping splatter gruel like The Exterminator, seasoned with an infuriated WWF announcer scream-demanding you go watch NOW NOW NOW!

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