Thursday, 10 July 2008
Samuel L. Jackson is The Octopus
Weep ink.
Sam Jackson as he appears in Frank Miller's forthcoming movie adaptation of Will Eisner masterwork: The Spirit.
Jackson plays The Octopus. A master of disguise, Octopus' face is never revealed in the Eisner comics; his sole visual signifier is his monstrous block adorned glove hands. Rapid departures from source abound, this is very much Miller's tar-black noir remix. Out Christmas. Can't wait.
Miller seems to recasting Octopus as a kind of white-out snow ninja. Other press photos have portrayed Jackson dressed in pallid Lone Wolf ceremonial-samurai garb, and as a flamboyant Zorro-esque gunslinger. Master of disguise recast as a genre hopping lethal action figure? Jackson'll have a fucken' ball.
Kill them all decadent psychopath!
I actually think I CAN wait. The teaser trailer looked more Sin City then anything else, and Denny didn't exactly come off as the everyman he is in the comics. I'll wait until the full trailer is released, but so far it doesn't feel,like the Spirit to me.
Heh. Nope, Denny was more a phantom avenger really wasn't he? Am not really expecting it to be anything other than a Miller riff on the material - pitch blacks, hysterical melodrama, ninjas etc.