
Friday 20 June 2008


I had to do it.

Next month Viz Media are publishing Cowa!, a madcap adventure yarn by Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama. Cowa! concerns the adventures of Paifu the vampire / were-koala, and his pal Jose the ghost. Typical adventures involve not buying watermelons, and attempting to cure monster-flu. It's charm itself. Dating from 1997, this was Toriyama's first work after finishing mega-manga Dragon Ball (42 volumes!). Cowa! is a much lighter, breezier affair - low on combat and high on jinks. Keen Toriyama fans will also note his art style has gotten much more angular and simplistic. Lots of bold, clean linework. Me likes! With any luck Viz may even deign to reprint the first chapter in its original colour format. I'm not holding my breath though.

Hopefully posedown parody Neko Majin is next.

Fingers crossed.

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