
Monday, 12 May 2008

Pearls of Wisdumb

Do you see what I did there? I'm clever.

The first in a regular feature detailing overheard conversations of particularly low merit.

The following nugget of anti-information assaulted my ears today during a distant fumble about the relative de-merits of the BBC's licence-fee policy. So what was the crux of the kerfuffle? Economic impartiality? Commercial viability of niche broadcast product? The serious lack of child exploiting, cack shovelled, memory build blocks?!

None of the above:

Person A: "I reckon instead of having to pay licence fee, the BBC should be scrambled like Sky channels if people don't want to pay."

Person B: "Exactly! Why the fuck should I have to pay the BBC one hundred pound a year to watch fuckin' Coronation Street?!"


  1. That was deffo the funniest thing I heard too, pretty much sums up the general publics ignorant attitude towards a fine institution-I also heard during the counter argument

    A. why do we need BBC when we got sky news and fox?
    B. because BBC is impartial? Not like some other networks they don’t have a political agenda
    A. So?
    B. but some are really bad right wing borderline racists!
    A. so.....id rather have that then pay a TV licence….why do we need impartial news anyway?!

    I rest my case.
