
Monday 5 May 2008

Involved In Creative Endeavours - Short Film

Attention! I don't just write Blogs about After Burner you know, I have been known to hack out the odd script on occasion. I recently wrote a little piece based on a day-dream I had whilst passing my local park. How's that for self-mythicising? My good friend Mr Gary Ellison directed the piece for his degree course, and he absolutely nailed it. It's an extra special treat to have scribbles and words that started life in your head physically realised for all to see. Ta Gaz! Super duper thanks to the star and another pal: Richard Birkenhead too, it's like that Jeff chap peeled himself off the page and went about shouting. A big thank you to everybody else involved in the short, that's: Alex Tridimas, Mike Heath, Peter Schuff and Adam McCarthy. You all did a fantastic job!

Anyway, loveyness out the way, here it is! Watch it with John's Not Mad in mind, by way of Channel 5's brick subtle geek show exploitation documentaries. Hope you enjoy.


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