
Thursday 22 May 2008

Burn Him!

I have just taken delivery of the first (and hopefully not last) hardcover The Perry Bible Fellowship collection: The Trial of Colonel Sweeto And Other Stories. If you're not familiar with the strip, Perry Bible Fellowship, created by Nicholas Gurewitch, is a three of four panel newspaper style strip in which it is not uncommon for a whimsically sunny sequence of events to get drunk behind the wheel and veer wildly off into nightmare town.

Go here. It's there.

The buried treasure of the hardcover collection is the tasteless strips held over 'til the back (and previously unpublished on the webstite), a macabre little parade of scatology, insider jokes, and aggravated unpleasantness. Worth the price alone.

Packaged in a thoroughly misleading child's picture-book style hardcover window book, and covered in garish sweet pinks and sherbet yellows, a crowd of candy people get mob justice on the treacherous chocolate spy Sweeto. My edition sports a large MADE IN CHINA sticker on the reverse, I wonder if I lick it will I get lead poisoning? Did I just get the joke?

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